Video of the Week: Helicopter Tree-Trimming

"Ever wonder how they trim the trees around power lines?" That's the question YouTube user daveyonce answers for us in this week's video clip. (Click through to watch.)

Video of the Week: Australian TV Cockpit Spoof

This week's flying video comes from an Australian comedy troupe who take us inside the cockpit of flight simulator to talk to airline "pilots." (Did we mention how thankful we are that this is just a simulator?) (Click through to watch.)

Exclusive Video: Our Ride-Along with Aerobatic Pilots Michael Mancuso and Matt Chapman at Sun...

AVweb (and you) ride along with Michael Mancuso as he flies his precision formation routine with Matt Chapman. The video includes narration by Mancuso, who briefed us after the show. (Click through to watch.)

Sun ‘n Fun Video Round-Up

This week, we're taking a brief hiatus from reader-recommended videos to point out two videos produced on-the-fly (and largely on-the-run) by AVweb's Glenn Pew over the last couple of days at the Sun 'n Fun Fly-In in Lakeland, Florida. We shot quite a bit of video at the show, so look for more original video content here on AVweb in the next few days. For now, here are a couple of short clips that set the tone for our adventures in vodcasting at the Fly-In. (Click through to watch.)

A Video Look at Cessna’s Light Sport Aircraft

Cessna's LSA concept aircraft has undergone changes and may see more. At Sun 'N Fun 2007, Glenn Pew got the story from Cessna's Vice President of single engine piston sales, John Doman. (Click through to watch.)

AVweb’s Video Tour of the 2007 Sun ‘n Fun Fly-In

And now for something completely different.... At AVweb we're used to bringing you all the news from all the big shows, but we like looking at airplanes, too. For a softer look at the sights and sounds, we found Thursday at Sun 'N Fun. (Click through to watch.)

Video of the Week: Heritage Flight at Sun ‘n Fun 2006

Sun 'n Fun 2007 kicks off today, but before we roll out the carpet on this year's fun, let's take a quick look back at last year's with a video montage of the 2006 air show heritage flight, courtesy of YouTube's mig8769. (Click through to watch.)

Video of the Week: Sean Tucker Aerobatics to the Music of Steve Morse

CFII (and AVweb reader) Nate Weinsaft tells us he's "a huge fan of Sean D. Tucker and the musician Steve Morse ... [who] recently purchased a Mac." We won't speculate on how long it took to match up Tucker's aerobatic feats to the swells and valleys of "Air on a 6 String," but it was long enough to earn Nate's video a spot as today's AVweb "Video of the Week." (For those who will ask, here's a link to buy the album. You're on your own when it comes to buying the Macintosh.) (Click through to watch.)

Video of the Week: Shooting Ultralights Out of the Sky

Whenever we put out the call, we get a wide variety of links and video clips from AVweb readers. This one, from reader James Fender, made us sit up and take notice. Before you watch, we should warn you that it is indeed part of an air show performance - no ultralights were actually shot down over New Jersey. (Click through to watch.)

Video of the Week: Airbus A380 Debut at New York

Our friends at 2FlyTV were on hand last week with the first Airbus A380s landed at JFK and LAX. In this exclusive video from New York, 2FlyTV takes us behind the scenes of the celebrated landing, with great shots of the interior and some commentary on the A380. (Click through to watch.)
Readers also have a responsibility in ensuring journalistic balance.

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