Viking Aircraft News at Oshkosh
Viking Aircraft Engines are busy changing the cost of aviation participation through half priced engine options.
KitFox Aircraft now providing Viking Firewall forward parts So, you really like the latest offerings by KitFox but don't know how you can justify $30,000+ for the firewall forward. You would like to use a factory supported engine but dream about an engine costing half of the advertised price. well, wait no more. KitFox has developed an engine mount and cowling for the Viking Aircraft Engine and Viking is ready to discount the engine, to seal the deal. Come see Viking and KitFox at Air Venture. More:
New Engine Model by Viking For Air Venture 2014, Viking introduce a new engine model. The Viking 120PB. The new engine will be sold alongside the existing 110 model and is geared towards aircraft requiring additional thrust, such as amphibious types, Super STOL, Gyro-copters or Helicopters. More:
Honda Racing Engine in Aircraft Honda Racing sell a fantastic racing engine with the same internals as the Viking Aircraft Engine. Honda is recognized as the #1 engine manufacturer in the world and Viking has been able to use this technology in their Viking 110 engine. For the Honda race engine story, Google formula Ford racing and Honda engine. All Viking 110 engines have these same parts installed in every engine. More:
Sebastien and Roger from Zenith Flying Vikings Zenith report favorable on Viking. Sebastien Heintz and Zenith test pilot Roger enjoy flying their aircraft designs behind the Viking engine. Test pilot Roger will be at the Zenith display and at the 7 Day Wonder. Ask him about the Viking engine. More:
Rans S-7 Now Viking Supported Viking have supported the firewall forward engine packages for the S-19 for two years. Now, the tandem S-7 is also fully supported with a powerful Viking engine, engine mounting, propeller, spinner and related installation parts and support. More:
For some - 1 Viking plane is not enough Bob Rychel built two of them. One for around the patch, another to travel. Come see Bob and talk to him about his reasons for updating his CH-650 to a Viking, then building a CH-750, powered by another. More:
Viking Ship Aircraft Design The Viking Ship design is taking shape and an updated CAD rendering of the proposed tractor powered seaplane will be available to view at Air Venture. Come see it at the Viking Display More:
Australian Karatoo now Viking Powered Viking Powered Karatoo 228 now flying in Australia by Bob Phillips. Be sure to talk to a Viking representative at Air Venture if you are interested in an engine package for this aircraft More:
Murphy Rebel - Now Viking Powered The Murphy Rebel is now flying with Viking Engine Power. There are a plenty of these aircraft flying and Viking now has a firewall forward engine package available, including engine mount, propeller, etc More:
More Viking Power Viking has been operating the engine through a 2.32/1 ratio gearbox. Rotax has a 2.42 1 ratio gearbox. Viking is now also offering a 2.53/1 for thrust output compatible with the 914 turbo. The gears are primarily designed to be used in two seat gyro and amphibious applications, where additional thrust is paramount. More:
Replace Lycoming with Viking Viking offer an adapter kit so the engine can bolt directly to a Lycoming engine mount. This system is already in use in the RV-9A but can be adapted to other air frames. More:
Don't get grounded from lack of building suplies Be sure to select an engine package for your experimental where you are supported the entire way through. Viking offer 24 hr forum support, 12 hr telephone support, has a compete "Grab Bag" of additional supplies available, have support groups for different aircraft types, a complete engine manual, parts shopping cart, worldwide dealers, a complete installation program and Homebuilt help video series. More:
The Zenith 701 SkyJeep About 20 CH-701 aircraft are Viking Powered. This provide an excellent opportunity to safely get airborne for less money, using the proven 701 and Viking Engine designs. The 701 is still supported by Zenith and plenty are available used. Viking has the complete 701 system with engine mounting,cowling and propeller . More:
Cessna 150 powered by Viking Viking is exporting the Viking 110 C-150 worldwide. Cruising speed is 130 mph. Availability is as a competed aircraft or a firewall forward engine / propeller / cowling package. More:
Bantam looking for Rhino killers The Viking powered Bantam aircraft are now patrolling in South Africa to catch illegal Rhino hunting. The liquid cooled Viking engines can operate for hours at a time. More:
OneX by Sonex powered by Viking Viking has the most streamlined and powerful OneX installation kit available. Be sure to ask your Viking representative at Air Venture about getting yours with the show discount. More:
Rotor Flight Dynamics using Viking Rotor Flight Dynamics exclusively power their new gyrocopters with Viking 110 engines. Their latest model being the 2 seat Vikinator More:
Just Aircraft with a Viking Engine Robert Trembly will display his Viking powered Just Aircraft Highlander next to the Just display at the ultralight runway. Be sure to stop and see him. Robert flies his just all over the country and is a first time builder. More:
Powerachute with Viking Engine The Powerachute powered parachute is a fun, inexpensive and powerful machine with a Viking Engine out back. Viking will display at Air Venture so be sure to ask about a power-plant for your 2 seat powered parachute. More:
Cougar now offered with Viking Engine Builders in Australia are completing their Viking powered Cougar aircraft and first flights are scheduled shortly. If you arrive from Australia to Air Venture, be sure to ask a Viking representative about this great combination. More:
Sonex performing with Viking engine In addition to the Viking SPORT kit for the Sonex line of aircraft kits, Viking also offer a less elaborate engine and cowling swap. 170 mph top speeds level and 155 mph at 5 gph is common. Three Viking powered Sonex aircraft will be at Air Venture More:
Sonex performing with Viking engine In addition to the Viking SPORT kit for the Sonex line of aircraft kits, Viking also offer a less elaborate engine and cowling swap. 170 mph top speeds level and 155 mph at 5 gph is common. Three Viking powered Sonex aircraft will be at Air Venture More:
Sportcopter using Viking ngines Sportcopter now sucessfully use the Viking 110 engine on their machines. Performance is good and pricing is about half of the competition. More:
SeaRey Sporting Beautiful Cowling Viking has a complete engine package with a beautiful and streamlined engine pod for the Progressive Aerodyne SeaRey aircraft. The two halves can be removed in seconds for easy access to the Viking Aircraft engine More:
Rans S-19 Viking Facelift Viking has the most stylish engine package option for the Rans S-19 Venterra. This beautifully constructed aircraft now has the option of more power and a streamlined cowling for more speed and sleeker looks. More:
Fuel System in A Box A complete fuel system is now being offered. Everything is already mounted to a small TIG welded sump tank. Dual fuel pumps, input filters, high pressure filters, fuel drain, fuel return, dual fuel input and exit fittings, fuel sender unit and mounting brackets. Just mount the tank, install connections from the wing tanks and to the engine and go flying. System will work on most fuel injected engines and is used for the Viking 110 engine. More:
RV-9A Powered By Viking Viking now supply the lightest and most modern engine for the RV-9A. Range, duration and overall efficiency is superior. The engine use Honda parts, dual FADEC controls and is installed in over 150 different aircraft world wide. More:
Sonex is nice but too tight of a fit Get a Viking SPORT conversion kit
Entrance from either side Forward tilting Canopy 45" wide cockpit 68" propeller Contoured seats with headrest Sculptured side panels Wing fuel tanks Possibility of 22 gal fuel Optically clear bubble canopy 110 hp liquid cooled Viking engine Hydraulic brakes Front and rear baggage Tubeless tires Pressure recovery wheel pants Electric flaps Electric elevator trim Aerodynamic entrance step Large instrument panel Viking is taking the Sonex to a different level with the SPORT kit More:
Viking Taking Over Oshkosh Less than one month to Oshkosh and the pressure to be "ready" is on. This is where having wonderful customers come in handy. Vern will have his CH-750 STOL flown in from Florida - Dave is flying his beautiful Viking RV-12 - Casey is bringing His Yellow Viking Sonex from Vermont - Ken is arriving from California in his polished Viking Sonex - Viking will fly the Sonex Sport from Florida - Dwayne will fly in with the Viking SeaRey - Chuck is flying his Viking powered and wing tank fueled RV-12 - Edward Gray might be ready in time to showcase his KitFox - Robert is bringing his Viking Highlander to fly down at the Ultralight runway - Stan Albright (Viking Dealer) is bringing his Viking S-7 for display. Anyone else that have a Viking engine or Viking powered aircraft are welcome to participate. More:
More Power for half the money 50% OFF VIKING ENGINE SALE
Buy your Viking Engine and Firewall Package before the last day of Air Venture and pay only half of our closest competitors advertised price.
It is true, you get a complete engine with engine mount, cowling, propeller, spinner, etc. for only $15,850
Viking has engines for Zenith, Van's RV-12, Just Aircraft, Sonex, Ran's, KitFox, SeaRey and many others.
Get yours now More:
Zenith CruZer Viking Engine for Oshkosh Viking Aircraft Engines has completed a firewall forward package for the 7 Day Wonder type Zenith CruZer and will display it at their North Aircraft Display, next to Zenith. More:
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