Weather Technology in the Cockpit GA Pilot Survey
Researchers at Purdue, Western Michigan, and Kent State Universities are conducting FAA-sponsored research regarding Weather Technology in the Cockpit (WTIC). They invite General Aviation (GA) pilots to participate in a research survey to look at the types of meteorological information accessed and used by GA, the procedures for weather avoidance they utilize, and the types of training they receive.The survey can be accessed online at:
Researchers at Purdue, Western Michigan, and Kent State Universities Conducting Research on Weather Technology in the Cockpit Researchers at Purdue, Western Michigan, and Kent State Universities are conducting FAA-sponsored research regarding Weather Technology in the Cockpit (WTIC). The researchers invite General Aviation (GA) pilots who operate under Visual Flight Rules to participate in a research survey to look at the types of meteorological information accessed and used by GA pilots, the procedures for VFR flight, weather avoidance techniques they utilize, and the types of weather-related training they receive. Eligible participants must be at least 18 years of age and be an active general aviation pilot. All participants will be required to complete a consent form prior to taking the survey. The survey can be accessed online at it is anticipated that the survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. To ensure participant anonymity and confidentiality, no names, identification numbers, or company identification will be collected. Results will be used to better understand GA pilot preparation and decision-making, focused on continued flight under Visual Flight Rules into Instrument Meteorological Conditions, and how they utilize equipment to make safe and timely weather avoidance decisions. If you are interested in learning more about this survey, please contact Dr. Thomas Carney by email at or via telephone at 765-494-9954.