Sport Expo: 2020 Avionics Shows New ADS-B
With the market choked with certified ADS-B to meet the 2020 mandate, another company is about to enter the fray with a low-cost option. At the 2017 Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring opening this week, 2020 Avionics was showing a new portable ADS-B In product with a companion GPS selling at the show for under $1000.
With the market choked with certified ADS-B to meet the 2020 mandate, another company is about to enter the fray with a low-cost option. At the 2017 Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring opening this week, 2020 Avionics was showing a new portable ADS-B In product with a companion GPS selling at the show for under $1000.
2020 owner Steve Cagle told us the company hopes to begin developing a certified version of these products later this year. For more details, see AVweb's exclusive video here.

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