On The Fly…

Aviation Electronics Association asked for comment period extension on new rule…Raytheon CEO James Shuster picked to Chair GAMA’s Board of Directors…Queensland medical helicopters had worst safety record…Icing advice offered by AOPA.

The Aircraft Electronics Association wants the FAA to delay a regulation change that will define the way Part 145 repair stations do business. The Advisory Circular gives only 30 days for comment and the AEA wants that extended to the normal 90 days...

Raytheon CEO James Shuster has been selected to Chair the General Aviation Manufactures Association. Dean Flatt, CEO of Honeywell Aerospace Electronics Systems, is the new Vice Chairman...

Getting rescued by an emergency medical helicopter in Queensland, Australia, can be hazardous to your health. A study released by the Australian government reveals the accident rate for Queensland emergency choppers is the highest in the country, with four accidents in 10 years...

Icing is a hot topic these days and AOPA has a handy reference. The AOPA Air Safety Foundation's new Safety Brief, Cold Facts: Wing Contamination, offers a quick lesson on the hazards and cures of this seasonal problem.