Cirrus SR20 Receives European Certification
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has certified Cirrus Design‘s SR20 for import to the European Union, Cirrus announced on Tuesday. The certificate was awarded to Cirrus officials at a private meeting in Brussels by members of the EASA. “EASA certification of Cirrus’s first production model, the SR20, will help us expedite development of market-specific products that address the wants and needs of the European customer,” said Dale Klapmeier, executive vice president of product strategy. “The European market plays an integral role in the long range strategic growth of our company.”

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has certified Cirrus Design's SR20 for import to the European Union, Cirrus announced on Tuesday. The certificate was awarded to Cirrus officials at a private meeting in Brussels by members of the EASA. "EASA certification of Cirrus's first production model, the SR20, will help us expedite development of market-specific products that address the wants and needs of the European customer," said Dale Klapmeier, executive vice president of product strategy. "The European market plays an integral role in the long range strategic growth of our company." EASA was created in July 2002, and replaces the Joint Aviation Authorities. The Cirrus certification is the first of its kind awarded by the new agency.

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