Medevac Pilot Ticketed

Stamford, Conn., officials are reviewing the city ordinance that landed the pilot of a medical helicopter in hot water last week. William Pope, 67, of Andover, N.J., was ticketed by Stamford police after he landed his chopper in the local hospital’s parking lot. Pope was picking up a sick infant for transport to an intensive care unit in Valhalla, N.Y. The flight was ordered by a Stamford doctor, who apparently didn’t know about the city’s official disdain for helicopters.

Stamford, Conn., officials are reviewing the city ordinance that landed the pilot of a medical helicopter in hot water last week. William Pope, 67, of Andover, N.J., was ticketed by Stamford police after he landed his chopper in the local hospital's parking lot. Pope was picking up a sick infant for transport to an intensive care unit in Valhalla, N.Y. The flight was ordered by a Stamford doctor, who apparently didn't know about the city's official disdain for helicopters. "Unfortunately she was not aware that we have a city ordinance that does not allow any helicopters to land anywhere in Stamford," said Assistant Police Chief Richard Priolo. Police met the helicopter when it landed and issued the ticket immediately without delaying the flight, said Priolo. But it turns out that if the sick child had already been on the helicopter and was being delivered to Stamford, the pilot might have beaten the rap. The ordinance allows helicopters to land if the life of someone aboard is in danger.