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____BRAINTEASERS Quiz #89 — A Little Off The AirwayA pilot’s brain can atrophy in the direct-anywhere GPS world, so let’s wander about the airways reviving your knowledge of IFR and VFR symbols, contractions, and other needling minutiae — including how much your VOR needle can move._________INSURANCE Neither A Lender Nor A Borrower Be … Non-Owner Pilots And Liability InsuranceIf you borrow a friend’s car, you’re covered by their car insurance. But if you borrow their plane, you are probably not covered by their aircraft liability insurance. Same if you rent a plane from an FBO. Are you prepared to pay out tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars if there is an accident? AVweb’s Kevin Garrison looks at insurance for those who don’t own the plane they are flying.
Neither A Lender Nor A Borrower Be ... Non-Owner Pilots And Liability Insurance
If you borrow a friend's car, you're covered by their car insurance. But if you borrow their plane, you are probably not covered by their aircraft liability insurance. Same if you rent a plane from an FBO. Are you prepared to pay out tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars if there is an accident? AVweb's Kevin Garrison looks at insurance for those who don't own the plane they are flying.

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