Sport Pilot Update: Standards On A Fast Track

As the seemingly endless Sport Pilot rulemaking process creeps through all of its necessary hoops, discernable progress is being made on a related front: the development of consensus industry standards for Light-Sport Aircraft. Subcommittees representing fixed-wing aircraft and powered parachutes have already completed work on their standards, EAA reported this week.

As the seemingly endless Sport Pilot rulemaking process creeps through all of its necessary hoops, discernable progress is being made on a related front: the development of consensus industry standards for Light-Sport Aircraft. Subcommittees representing fixed-wing aircraft and powered parachutes have already completed work on their standards, EAA reported this week. Those standards are now undergoing a thorough 30-day review and comment period, which ends in mid-December, prior to a vote. "This effort is unprecedented in aviation history," said Earl Lawrence, EAA vice president of government and industry relations. "The aviation industry and the FAA have formed a partnership to create practical standards for safe light aircraft. The result of this partnership will eventually be more airplanes, more pilots and growth throughout general aviation."