TIME Pulls Controversial Ad
GA may not be a threat to nuclear power plants but its supporters can certainly get the attention of TIME Magazine. TIME decided last week to pull a self-promotion ad that some of us who fly took exception to — and let the magazine editors know about. The ad depicted two light aircraft tied down, with a nuclear power plant looming in the background. The caption read: “Remember when only environmentalists would have been alarmed by this photo? Join the conversation.”

GA may not be a threat to nuclear power plants but its supporters can certainly get the attention of TIME Magazine. TIME decided last week to pull a self-promotion ad that some of us who fly took exception to -- and let the magazine editors know about. The ad depicted two light aircraft tied down, with a nuclear power plant looming in the background. The caption read: "Remember when only environmentalists would have been alarmed by this photo? Join the conversation." Well, AOPA invited its members to engage in that dialogue and President Phil Boyer said scores of pilots put pen to paper and fingers to keyboard. TIME President Eileen Naughton emailed Boyer, saying the magazine never intended to malign GA but to illustrate how "commonplace images have the power to provoke us to see things differently" after 9/11. Apparently the AOPA response made TIME's management see things differently, also. "Out of respect for the general aviation industry, TIME has removed this ad from its media schedule," Naughton wrote.