Where GA And Heavy-Metal Mix
Australia’s embattled aviation regulator says any future major changes will be preceded by a three-month training and education period. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has been roundly criticized by airlines, pilot groups and air traffic controllers for implementation of sweeping changes to its airspace regulations in November that the groups say allow light planes not under air traffic control to mix with airliners near major airports. The changes.have already caused a “serious incident” involving a Virgin Boeing 737 and a single-engine Tobago near Launceston.

Australia's embattled aviation regulator says any future major changes will be preceded by a three-month training and education period. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has been roundly criticized by airlines, pilot groups and air traffic controllers for implementation of sweeping changes to its airspace regulations in November that the groups say allow light planes not under air traffic control to mix with airliners near major airports. The changes.have already caused a "serious incident" involving a Virgin Boeing 737 and a single-engine Tobago near Launceston. CASA CEO Bruce Byron said he'll also hold a series of meetings with stakeholder groups this month to hear firsthand the kinds of problems that have been created by the National Airspace System reforms. For the Boeing/Tobago incident, the Tobago pilot claims he was aware of the 737, and didn't think there was a conflict. The 737 driver thought otherwise and pulled up to avoid what he deemed a possible head-on collision. The Australia Transportation Safety Board classified the mishap a "serious incident" and recommended a review of education and training for pilots on the new system.