Question of the Week: 406 MHz ELTs – Will You Upgrade?
In February, satellite monitoring for 121.5 ELTs ended, and the military, Coast Guard and Civil Air Patrol are strongly recommending installation of 406 ELTs, which are monitored. Canada has backed off on mandatory equipage. This week, AVweb wants to know how you feel about installing the new gear. Plus: Everyone’s watching the budget these days, including many AVweb readers who are foregoing new airplane purchases and instead choosing to spruce up their existing planes. Last week, we asked what you’d be buying for your airplane this year. Click through to see how your fellow readers answered.
Everyone's watching the budget these days, including many AVweb readers who are foregoing new airplane purchases to spruce up their existing planes.
So what was the most popular category of purchases? Routine items to just stay safe, according to 31% of those who participated in last week's poll. (It's worth noting that 14% said nothing - and if that means I can't fly, so be it.)
For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
In February, satellite monitoring for 121.5 ELTs ended, and the military, Coast Guard and Civil Air Patrol are strongly recommending installation of 406 ELTs, which are monitored. Canada has backed off on mandatory equipage. AVweb wants to know how you feel about installing the new gear.
Have you installed a 406 MHz ELT?
(click to answer)
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