Question of the Week: Flight 188 – What’s Appropriate Discipline?
Opinion on the fate of the pilots who overshot Minneapolis last week seems to range from “hang ’em high” to “slap them on the wrist.” We’d like to know where you fit in. Plus: Last week, we asked how AVweb readers might defend the use of airplanes for business if they found themselves deep in conversation with a skeptic; click through to see which answer was the most popular among our readers.
Despite valiant efforts from NBAA, GAMA, and others, business aviation is still a tough sell for much of the recession-battered general public. Last week, we asked how AVweb readers might defend the use of airplanes for business if they found themselves deep in conversation with a skeptic.
Most of you said you simply wouldn't do it, with 42% of those who responded choosing it's up to individual businesses and their leaders to decide how aircraft are used as their answer.
For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
Opinion on the fate of the pilots who overshot Minneapolis last week seems to range from "hang 'em high" to "slap them on the wrist." Where do you fit?
Did the pilots of NWA Flight 188 deserve to lose their tickets?
(click to answer)
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