Question of the Week: The Future of Adam Aircraft
Following Adam Aircraft’s decision to suspend operations on Monday, there have been quite a few long faces among fans of very light jets. This week, we’d like to hear your prediction for Adam’s future: Will the company (or its products) be resurrected? Plus: Rising fuel prices vs. the threat of user fees – in the last seven days, which did AVweb readers say had a better chance of grounding them?
Last week, we asked which of general aviation's twin boogeymen was most likely to ground you - user fees or skyrocketing fuel prices.
While fuel prices continue to be a thorn in the side to those of us who fly for fun, user fees garnered 57% of the vote this week.
For the complete breakdown of reader answers, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer, if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
Following Adam Aircraft's decision to suspend operations on Monday, there have been quite a few long faces among fans of very light jets. Do you think Adam will be resurrected?
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