Question of the Week: Third-Class Medical Certificates and Minimum Age, According to the FAA
The FAA proposed this week to raise the validity of third-class medical certificates from 36 months to 60 months for airmen under 40 years of age. In your opinion, does this action go far enough? Should the age cut-off be higher? Tell us what you think. Plus: Now that we’ve seen five of them delivered to customers, what did AVweb readers have to say about the much-anticipated Eclipse 500 last week?
Last week, AVweb asked readers what they think of the Eclipse 500, now that five of the VLJs have made their way into the hands of customers.
Readers' opinions were varied, with 36% of you saying it was mostly hype (no different than any other airplane), with a very comparable 34% of readers calling it somewhat revolutionary (based on our answer options).
For the full breakdown of last week's poll answers,click here.
The FAA proposed this week to raise the validity of third-class medical certificates from 36 months to 60 months for airmen under 40 years of age. In your opinion, does this action go far enough?
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