Question of the Week: What’s the Biggest Cause of Aviation Accidents?

This week, AVweb wants to hear your opinion on the most common cause of aviation accidents. PLUS: Will Cessna’s LSA offering tempt you to buy a Sport Plane? (Results of last week’s Question.)


There's been a lot of buzz around Cessna's LSA announcement.  Last week, AVweb asked if the news would lead you to reconsider buying a Sport Plane - of if it would change your attitude toward buying into LSA at all.

Of the 600 AVweb readers who answer, 29% of you said the Cessna news didn't affect you at all.   I don't plan on purchasing an LSA, you told us.

At the other end of the spectrum, 12% of you were ready and willing to follow Cessna into the Light Sport arena, as long as the prices stay under $100K.

What did our other respondents think?
For real-time results of last week's question,click here.


What do you think is the biggest cause of aviation accidents?

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