AVmail: Aug. 23, 2004

Reader mail this week about Florida hurricanes, NBC terrorists, and more.

Why Not Evacuate for Hurricane?

Thanks for saying this (ATIS, Aug. 19). I was one of the very, very few who moved our plane out of Clearwater (CLW), to Asheville, by the way. Why so few?What really bothered me was the lack of concern by owners about the environment they'd created. Despite us "getting the hell outa Dodge," we moved/stowed our chairs, gear box, etc., so they wouldn't fly free. The plane in the shade hanger next to me wasn't tied down at all! I looked at three gear boxes next to neighboring planes, and none were bolted down. Even with a small storm, damage to secured planes would have been enormous from big items sailing around.We've seen Andrew, and lived through a "little" Category 1 (Kate) in Tallahassee. You're right: Run for cover!Larry Bloom

The marine insurance industry is way ahead of you. Many policies require boats to be moved out of hurricane-prone areas like the Caribbean during hurricane season. You will see a summer migration from the islands every year, either north or to areas south of 10 degrees latitude where hurricanes don't go.Joe Della Barba

Aviation Helps Charitable Causes

Regarding today's AVweb (NewsWire, Aug. 19): It was great to read the article about charitable causes being aided by aviation.I thought you might like to share that the Ninety-Nines (International Woman Pilots) organization is sponsoring a fundraising project for breast cancer research. Called "Fly for the Cure," 99s will solicit pledges for the hours they fly during the months of September and October, with all donations going to the pledger's choice of the Susan B. Kohman Foundation or the American Cancer Society. Contact a 99 to pledger your support or I will be glad to have your sponsorship myself!Read about it on the 99's Web site.Kim Lansdon
Chair, Oregon Pines 99s

NBC's Antics

I was just wondering if you knew what happens next to the reporters who tried to get aboard the helo with weapons (NewsWire, Aug. 16). To me they have still committed a crime regardless of wether or not they were "reporters" and they should go to jail!Linus Kuplast

Lasik Go/No Go for Military Pilots

To Kim Broadwell:In your article on Lasik, you've stated that the military will not allow their personnel to become pilots after having corrective eye surgery. I've seen contradicting articles on the Web. I'm not saying that you are wrong or right, I am just wondering if you could refer me to your sources. I need to hear from proper authorities of which, if any, procedures are authorized for pilots, and I haven't been able to find out who those proper authorities are. Thank you for your time.Cpl. Keith Stewart

AVweb Replies

The article you refer to is about four years old, and the issue of corrective eye surgery and each of the military services has continued to evolve. It's a moving target, and the answer each service gives is based on operational data they have collected as well as the service's need for pilots. For a definitive, up-to-date answer I recommend contacting the aviation medical department of the service you are interested in for the proper guidance.

DK Broadwell, MD

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