Short Final

Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” On a snowy afternoon at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, the arrival spacing turned out to be inadequate for the as-yet-unplowed runway: Tower:“Commuter 1234: Runway 14R, cleared to land. request braking report. Braking is reported fair, but if you can make taxiway T5 for spacing, it will help the heavy behind you.” Commuter:“Commuter 1234. We’ll try.” Tower (moments later) :“Airliner 567 Heavy, go around. Aircraft on the runway.” [Then issues missed approach instructions.] Commuter:“Sorry about that.” Tower:“Thanks for trying, Commuter 1234. Hey, how do you rate the braking?” Commuter:“Poor, I guess.” Chris Bardonvia e-mail

Overheard in IFR Magazine's 'On the Air' Section
Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

On a snowy afternoon at Chicago's O'Hare Airport, the arrival spacing turned out to be inadequate for the as-yet-unplowed runway:

"Commuter 1234: Runway 14R, cleared to land. request braking report. Braking is reported fair, but if you can make taxiway T5 for spacing, it will help the heavy behind you."

"Commuter 1234. We'll try."

Tower (moments later) :
"Airliner 567 Heavy, go around. Aircraft on the runway." [Then issues missed approach instructions.]

"Sorry about that."

"Thanks for trying, Commuter 1234. Hey, how do you rate the braking?"

"Poor, I guess."

Chris Bardon
via e-mail