Short Final
Several years ago, I was flying my father-in-law back to Portland, Maine. He had been in Connecticut preforming a wedding. We got an early start, and at about 7 a.m., we were overflying the Worster, MA Class Delta. After making contact with the tower, I commented that it was very quiet on their frequency. The controller responded that everybody must be asleep or in church. My father-in-law, the ever-alert minister, pressed the button that was both intercom and transmit PTT and said, “Maybe they are in church and asleep!” David Failevia e-mail
Several years ago, I was flying my father-in-law back to Portland, Maine. He had been in Connecticut preforming a wedding. We got an early start, and at about 7 a.m., we were overflying the Worster, MA Class Delta.
After making contact with the tower, I commented that it was very quiet on their frequency.
The controller responded that everybody must be asleep or in church.
My father-in-law, the ever-alert minister, pressed the button that was both intercom and transmit PTT and said, "Maybe they are in church and asleep!"
David Faile
via e-mail

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