Short Final
N12345:“Ground, Cessna 12345 is at the restaurant, ready to taxi for north departure.” Ground Control:“Standby.” A minute later … Ground Control:“Cessna at the Outer Marker, please repeat your request.” The pilot of N12345 doesn’t respond, but is surely wondering why grouns is calling on aircraft on the ILS. Ground Control:“Cessna at the Outer Marker, do you have a request?” Another long pause, until the pilot eventually looks up at the name of the building in front of him, the Outer Marker Restaurant, and realizes, “That would be me he’s talking to!” N12345:“Ground, Cessna 12345 is ready to taxi for north departure.” Bob Joyevia e-mail
"Ground, Cessna 12345 is at the restaurant, ready to taxi for north departure."
Ground Control:
A minute later ...
Ground Control:
"Cessna at the Outer Marker, please repeat your request."
The pilot of N12345 doesn't respond, but is surely wondering why grouns is calling on aircraft on the ILS.
Ground Control:
"Cessna at the Outer Marker, do you have a request?"
Another long pause, until the pilot eventually looks up at the name of the building in front of him, the Outer Marker Restaurant, and realizes, "That would be me he's talking to!"
"Ground, Cessna 12345 is ready to taxi for north departure."
Bob Joye
via e-mail

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