Short Final…

The dangers of the double negative… ATC: Did you get your numbers? Airline: [Somewhat garbled] Negative. ATC: Was it “Negative?” Airline: [Again, rather garbled] Affirmative. ATC: So … “negative,” or “affirmative?” Airline: “Affirmative” for “negative…” [the other guy in the cockpit can be heard chuckling in the background]

The dangers of the double negative...

ATC: Did you get your numbers?

Airline: [Somewhat garbled] Negative.

ATC: Was it "Negative?"

Airline: [Again, rather garbled} Affirmative.

ATC: So ... "negative," or "affirmative?"

Airline: "Affirmative" for "negative..." [The other guy in the cockpit can be heard chuckling in the background.]