AVmail: August 17, 2015

Len Blair writes: “Regarding your ‘Question of the Week’ on medical status: I get a special issuance every year. One of the requirements is for a nuclear scan for the heart. My current specialist says I should have one only when needed and he will know when it is needed. His concern is the tests are not needed regularly and can cause cancer. In order to fly, I must take the test, and since it’s not ordered by my doctor, I have to pay just under $4,000 and increase my risk of cancer.” Click through to read other mail from AVweb readers.

Letter of the Week:
Risking Cancer to Keep Flying

Regarding your Question of the Week on medical status: I get a special issuance every year. One of the requirements is for a nuclear scan for the heart.

My current specialist says I should have one only when needed and he will know when it is needed.

His concern is the tests are not needed regularly and can cause cancer. In order to fly, I must take the test, and since it's not ordered by my doctor, I have to pay just under $4,000 and increase my risk of cancer.

Len Blair

I recently had my first third-class medical in eight years. I supplied lots of documentation for various non-disqualifying items in my medical history. The AME issued the certificate.

The FAA asked for more information (stupid questions) that my doctor has provided. Overall, it was pretty tedious and bureaucratic, but no show-stopper.

Rollin Olson

I'm flying LSA privileges without a medical. I am fit to fly, but after numerous eye surgeries, I don't want to go through the expense and hassle of extra exams and documentation not covered by insurance or risk the possibility of denial.

Jim David

I would require a special issuance due to a history with cancer, but the expense, time, and hassle have led me to stick with light sport and wait for third-class medical reform.

Dan Winkelman

Regarding your story on the increase in drone sightings by pilots: How many of the supposed sightings are actually confirmed? Some of the reports I've read are quite far-fetched.

Anything that flashes by the crew's field of vision in a half second or less now seems to be classified as a drone, whether or not is really is a drone — or a seagull — or a child's helium balloon — or a kite.

John Kallend

I just viewed Paul Bertorelli's video about the "remanufactured-new aircraft," which I enjoyed and thought was well done.

The issue of the future of aviation is an often-discussed topic, which has a component that you addressed comparing the newly refurbished aircraft. I believe that it is a great idea, especially compared to new aircraft.

Discussion about the cost of flying after purchase rarely covers the storage issue. The three major costs of aircraft ownership are insurance, annual, and storage (a T-hangar for me). My experience is that each of these is approximately a third of the year's costs.

I haven't seen anything published about hangar rent and, other than sharing the cost in a partnership, how to reduce the cost.

Any thoughts?

Tom Rudolf