Short Final

Late on a low-traffic night, an Ozark flight requested landing instructions into Des Moines, reporting his altitude as 6,000 feet. He was given clearance since no other traffic was in the area. After a few seconds, the Ozark pilot again called, saying, “Uh, that 6,000 feet — that shoulda been 5,000 feet. Gee, this thing’s got a lot of dials and gauges!” Reply from the tower: “Uh, yeah!” — Ron Morden, via e-mail

Late on a low-traffic night, an Ozark flight requested landing instructions into Des Moines, reporting his altitude as 6,000 feet. He was given clearance since no other traffic was in the area.

After a few seconds, the Ozark pilot again called, saying:
"Uh, that 6,000 feet -- that shoulda been 5,000 feet. Gee, this thing's got a lot of dials and gauges!"

Reply from the tower:
"Uh, yeah!"

Ron Morden
via e-mail