Airline Safety And Collateral Damage
While most reports and editorials since the incident place no blame on the air marshals, who apparently acted in accordance with their training, other questions have been raised. A columnist in Editor & Publisher critiqued the “media docility” that quickly spread the official version of the story without checking the facts. Others have questioned the training itself, and the thinking behind it. But some feel it is how things ought to work in the post-9/11 world: David Stempler, president of the Air Travelers Association, told The Associated Press he thinks the shooting may prove more “reassuring than disturbing” to the traveling public.
While most reports and editorials since the incident place no blame on the air marshals, who apparently acted in accordance with their training, other questions have been raised. A columnist in Editor & Publisher critiqued the "media docility" that quickly spread the official version of the story without checking the facts. Others have questioned the training itself, and the thinking behind it. But some feel it is how things ought to work in the post-9/11 world: David Stempler, president of the Air Travelers Association, told The Associated Press he thinks the shooting may prove more "reassuring than disturbing" to the traveling public. "This is a reminder they are there and are protecting the passengers and that it is a seriously deadly business," he said.