…And Safety In Danger Of Being Lost In The Noise
Australia’s AOPA, the Australian Sport Aviation Confederation and Recreational Aviation Australia have sided with Smith in the debate, saying that a report cited to support reversing the airspace reforms is “dangerously flawed,” exaggerates risk, maligns the skills of small-aircraft pilots and fails to establish that the reforms are unsafe. Meanwhile, the Australian and International Pilots Association and the Australian Federation of Air Pilots have jointly called for the reforms to be reversed. Qantas CEO Geoff Dixon has urged the dueling parties to find a solution. “A lot of people are taking very, very strong positions on this, there’s a lot of politics behind it and I think it would be nice if we could sit down and get it done properly,” Dixon told The Australian.

Australia's AOPA, the Australian Sport Aviation Confederation and Recreational Aviation Australia have sided with Smith in the debate, saying that a report cited to support reversing the airspace reforms is "dangerously flawed," exaggerates risk, maligns the skills of small-aircraft pilots and fails to establish that the reforms are unsafe. Meanwhile, the Australian and International Pilots Association and the Australian Federation of Air Pilots have jointly called for the reforms to be reversed. Qantas CEO Geoff Dixon has urged the dueling parties to find a solution. "A lot of people are taking very, very strong positions on this, there's a lot of politics behind it and I think it would be nice if we could sit down and get it done properly," Dixon told The Australian.