AOPA Weighs In

AOPA says the Canadian experience proves the main point in its continued opposition to the imposition of user fees by the FAA. President Phil Boyer says that private corporations are always looking for new sources of revenue and that’s the wrong foundation on which to base the management of the airspace system. “Air traffic control is not a commodity that can be supplied by the lowest bidder, nor charged on a per-use basis,” Boyer said. “It is about protecting public safety, in the air and on the ground. Everyone has a stake in that, and that makes air traffic control a government function that is rightfully paid for with taxes.” Boyer agreed with Psutka that airlines are trying to offload costs and GA makes an inviting target.

AOPA says the Canadian experience proves the main point in its continued opposition to the imposition of user fees by the FAA. President Phil Boyer says that private corporations are always looking for new sources of revenue and that's the wrong foundation on which to base the management of the airspace system. "Air traffic control is not a commodity that can be supplied by the lowest bidder, nor charged on a per-use basis," Boyer said. "It is about protecting public safety, in the air and on the ground. Everyone has a stake in that, and that makes air traffic control a government function that is rightfully paid for with taxes." Boyer agreed with Psutka that airlines are trying to offload costs and GA makes an inviting target. "We can't let the camel get his nose under the tent here in the United States," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "This is the perfect example of why any FAA proposal for fee-for-service would ultimately be bad news for general aviation. User fees would inevitably trickle down to the pilots of light general aviation aircraft."