Certificate Upgrades — Fresh Help From A Trusted Name
If you’re ready to prepare for that next big certificate or rating, and need to take a knowledge test, Sporty’s Pilot Shop offers free services online that can help. The “Study Buddy” generates random test questions from the FAA database on topics that you select. You get instant feedback. Then when you’re ready, you can take a full-length practice test. These tests are just like the real thing, Sporty’s says. They’re generated randomly from the FAA question bank, and navigation and time limits are set up to mimic the FAA tests. If you’re not ready for a test yet, but want to upgrade your cockpit skills, the Web site of your nav equipment provider probably offers some help.

If you're ready to prepare for that next big certificate or rating, and need to take a knowledge test, Sporty's Pilot Shop offers free services online that can help. The "Study Buddy" generates random test questions from the FAA database on topics that you select. You get instant feedback. Then when you're ready, you can take a full-length practice test. These tests are just like the real thing, Sporty's says. They're generated randomly from the FAA question bank, and navigation and time limits are set up to mimic the FAA tests. If you're not ready for a test yet, but want to upgrade your cockpit skills, the Web site of your nav equipment provider probably offers some help. Garmin, for example, offers a free simulator and lesson plans to learn about their 400-series nav units. The 500-series Web site also offers a video clip, but you have to pay to get a copy of the complete video training program.