NAS Under Discussion — Again…
It seems like everyone wants to talk about what to do about the future of the National Airspace System and the next in a parade of forums is a meeting sponsored by the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) — not to be confused with the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), the controllers’ union. The forum will be held at the Hilton Crystal City at Ronald ReaganWashington National Airport June 21. The ATCA is calling its forum “Rightsizing the NAS” and it will focus on the structural and operational changes that will be needed to overhaul the system and make it more efficient (and potentially less expensive) against a backdrop of concerns about flight safety and air traffic controller shortages. Judging by the list of speakers,the ATCA seems to be attempting to ensure that all views are heard.

"Rightsizing" Forum Looks At Future
It seems like everyone wants to talk about what to do about the future of the National Airspace System and the next in a parade of forums is a meeting sponsored by the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) -- not to be confused with the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), the controllers' union. The forum will be held at the Hilton Crystal City at Ronald ReaganWashington National Airport June 21. The ATCA is calling its forum "Rightsizing the NAS" and it will focus on the structural and operational changes that will be needed to overhaul the system and make it more efficient (and potentially less expensive) against a backdrop of concerns about flight safety and air traffic controller shortages. Judging by the list of speakers,the ATCA seems to be attempting to ensure that all views are heard. NATCA President John Carr will be there to give his organization's views, as will Kate Breen, president of the National Association of Air Traffic Specialists, whose members are now in the process of transitioning to a leaned-out,leaned out, contractor-run system for automated flight service stations. In one session, Amr ElSawy, senior VP of Mitre Corporation, will try to crack the fundamental nut of the whole exercise when he analyzes whether there are real cost savings to be made.