AVweb’s Sun ‘n Fun 2009 Podcast #6: Aviation Real Estate Pinched

The real estate market is suffering everywhere, and sales at the airparks sprouting up are also suffering. But Bill Armstrong, a partner in Big South Fork Airpark in Tennessee, told AVweb‘s Russ Niles that with sharp pencils and creative marketing, they’re making sales. This podcast is brought to you by Lightspeed Aviation’s Zulu Headset and Gulf Coast Avionics.

Lightspeed Zulu - Change Your MindGulfCoastAvionics

The real estate market is suffering everywhere, and sales at the airparks sprouting up are also suffering. But Bill Armstrong, a partner in Big South Fork Airpark in Tennessee, told AVweb's Russ Niles that with sharp pencils and creative marketing, they're making sales.

This podcast is brought to you by Lightspeed Aviation's Zulu Headset and Gulf Coast Avionics.


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