Barrington Irving to Students: “If You Build It, I’ll Fly It” – And They Did
The next time someone asks general aviation booster Barrington Irving about the Zenith he’s flying, he can smile and tell them, “My students built it.” As part of his tireless efforts to promote GA to youth, Irving recently challenged a group of students at Experience Aviation to build a Zenith Zodiac XL and promised to fly it. Find out how he generates interest and raises funds in this podcast.
The next time someone asks general aviation booster Barrington Irving about the Zenith he's flying, he can smile and tell them, "My students built it." As part of his tireless efforts to promote GA to youth, Irving recently challenged a group of students at Experience Aviation to build a Zenith Zodiac XL and promised to fly it. Find out how he generates interest and raises funds in this podcast.
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