Lancair’s Joe Bartels Outlines the Possible Dangers of the FAA’s Proposed “51% Rule” Changes for Homebuilts
The FAA is proposing changes to the rules governing homebuilt aircraft, some of which are raising concerns about the future of this time-honored niche of general aviation. The Experimental Aircraft Association has stated publicly that it opposes the changes, which would make it more difficult for homebuilders to comply with the “51% rule.” Earlier this week, Lancair CEO Joe Bartels told the Bend, Oregon Weekly News that his business could be in danger if the FAA rule changes are passed. Hear what Bartels told AVweb about the proposed rule changes and the future of homebuilding in this AVweb audio feature.
The FAA is proposing changes to the rules governing homebuilt aircraft, some of which are raising concerns about the future of this time-honored niche of general aviation. The Experimental Aircraft Association has stated publicly that it opposes the changes, which would make it more difficult for homebuilders to comply with the "51% rule." Earlier this week, Lancair CEO Joe Bartels told the Bend, Oregon Weekly News that his business could be in danger if the FAA rule changes are passed. Hear what Bartels told AVweb about the proposed rule changes and the future of homebuilding in this AVweb audio feature.
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