Lycoming IO-390-A Certified Engine
Lycoming’s VP of Marketing, Dennis Racine, talks with Kitplanes editor Marc Cook about the development of the IO-390 into certified form from the original Experimental-class powerplant and the future of Lycoming-promoted and -engineered STCs for production aircraft. The first airplane to get the 390 will be a Cessna Cardinal RG. Is your Mooney or Piper next? This podcast is brought to you byLightspeed Aviation, makers of the Zulu ANR headset …
Lycoming's VP of Marketing, Dennis Racine, talks with Kitplanes editor Marc Cook about the development of the IO-390 into certified form from the original Experimental-class powerplant and the future of Lycoming-promoted and -engineered STCs for production aircraft. The first airplane to get the 390 will be a Cessna Cardinal RG. Is your Mooney or Piper next?
This podcast is brought to you by Lightspeed Aviation, makers of the Zulu ANR headset ...
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