Video: Ikhana’s X2 Remanufactured Twin Otter

No other airplane does what de Havilland’s famed Twin Otter does, which is why there are so many of the legacy aircraft still flying. Viking Air recently resumed production of an updated version of the utility twin but and Ikhana Aircraft is remanufacturing the original production aircraft into virtually a new airplane. AVweb checks it out in this video from NBAA. This video is brought to you by WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather AND Avidyne.

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No other airplane does what de Havilland's famed Twin Otter does, which is why even though it hasn't been made for 40 years, it endures in the market. Ikhana Aircraft is remanufacturing the Twin Otter into virtually a new airplane. AVweb checks it out in this video from NBAA.

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This video is brought to you by WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather AND Avidyne.