Aircraft Registration Changes Proposed

In an effort to increase and maintain the accuracy of aircraft registration in the U.S., the FAA issued a notice of proposed rule making (NPRM) titled “Re-Registration and Renewal of Aircraft Registration.” This NPRM would replace the current non-expiring aircraft registration with a registration that is only good for three years. If the registration expires the N-number would also be canceled. To stay legal, owners would have to renew their aircraft registration before it expires. Also, owners of currently registered aircraft would have to re-register their aircraft to the new expiring registration.

In an effort to increase and maintain the accuracy of aircraft registration in the U.S., the FAA issued a notice of proposed rule making (NPRM) titled "Re-Registration and Renewal of Aircraft Registration." This NPRM would replace the current non-expiring aircraft registration with a registration that is only good for three years. If the registration expires the N-number would also be canceled. To stay legal, owners would have to renew their aircraft registration before it expires. Also, owners of currently registered aircraft would have to re-register their aircraft to the new expiring registration.

Major criticism of the new procedure is being drawn from groups such as AOPA and the NBAA. Although they both support the FAA's intentions to clean up the system, they do not agree with the FAA's procedures. The NBAA feels that the FAA's proposal would be expensive to administer and problematic for aircraft operators. AOPA is in favor of modifications to the FAA's plan. Some alterations involve the renewal process. AOPA feels the registration shouldn't be canceled, but should have to be verified through an online system. If the owner fails to do so the aircraft registration becomes inactive instead of canceled. This would also protect the aircraft's N-number from being canceled.