AirVenture Attendance Holds

Attendance at this year’s EAA AirVenture was “on par with last year,” EAA President Tom Poberezny said Sunday. He said that at the start of the show the expectation was that high fuel prices and the generally poor economy would sap attendance but the numbers have held and he credits the quality of the show itself. ” I think it’s been the shot in the arm that aviation has needed,” he said. He said three major events, including the exhibition of WhiteKnightTwo and possibly SpaceShipTwo, have already been set for next year.

Attendance at this year's EAA AirVenture was "on par with last year," EAA President Tom Poberezny said Sunday. He said that at the start of the show the expectation was that high fuel prices and the generally poor economy would sap attendance but the numbers have held and he credits the quality of the show itself. " I think it's been the shot in the arm that aviation has needed," he said. He said three major events, including the exhibition of WhiteKnightTwo and possibly SpaceShipTwo, have already been set for next year.

There will also be a reunion of Concorde flight crews and a celebration of mission aviation. Work will begin on $3.2 million in improvements to the grounds, focusing mainly on improving the camping amenities.