Embraer Announces New Bizjet

Brazilian airframer Embraer last week said it would develop a new business jet based on its EMB-190 short-range airliner platform. The announcement came in conjunction with the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE), held in Geneva, Switzerland, May 3 through 5. The new jet, dubbed the Lineage 1000, is slated for certification and first deliveries in mid-2008 and would be the company’s fourth bizjet in service or under development. That fleet includes the in-service long-range (for a business jet) Legacy and the under-development Phenom 100 and 300 light jets. “When we unveiled the Phenom jets only 12 months ago, we asserted to the business aviation community our firm commitment to stay in this industry and grow our presence, said Maurcio Botelho, Embraer president and CEO. We are now taking advantage of the Embraer 190 platform to launch the Lineage 1000, a premium product with superior comfort and performance characteristics.” Embraer says the Lineage 1000 — who thinks up these names? — is an “ultra-large” business jet with a total cabin volume of more than 4,000 cubic feet, featuring five distinct areas capable of accommodating up to 19 passengers.

Brazilian airframer Embraer last week said it would develop a new business jet based on its EMB-190 short-range airliner platform. The announcement came in conjunction with the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE), held in Geneva, Switzerland, May 3 through 5. The new jet, dubbed the Lineage 1000, is slated for certification and first deliveries in mid-2008 and would be the company's fourth bizjet in service or under development. That fleet includes the in-service long-range (for a business jet) Legacy and the under-development Phenom 100 and 300 light jets. "When we unveiled the Phenom jets only 12 months ago, we asserted to the business aviation community our firm commitment to stay in this industry and grow our presence, said Maurcio Botelho, Embraer president and CEO. We are now taking advantage of the Embraer 190 platform to launch the Lineage 1000, a premium product with superior comfort and performance characteristics." Embraer says the Lineage 1000 -- who thinks up these names? -- is an "ultra-large" business jet with a total cabin volume of more than 4,000 cubic feet, featuring five distinct areas capable of accommodating up to 19 passengers.

Up front in the cockpit, pilots of the new jet will fly behind a highly integrated Primus Epic avionics suite from Honeywell. The installation envisioned by Embraer will include five LCD multi-function displays and a cursor control device (CCD). Other automation and avionics destined for the Lineage 1000 include auto-throttle, weather radar with turbulence detection and a fly-by-wire flight control system. Two GE CF34-10E7 engines with 18,500 pounds of thrust each will power the airplane to its maximum operating speed of Mach 0.82 and to a maximum altitude of FL410. Range with eight passengers will be 4,200 nm with NBAA IFR reserves. Embraer says those numbers mean nonstop hops from London to New York, from Moscow to Tokyo or from Jeddah to Beijing. As always, AVweb will keep you posted on this new jet's development.