First Look At Cirrus’ “the-jet” June 27
The long-awaited (and excruciatingly foreshadowed) unveiling of amockup of Cirrus’ “the-jet” will occur at a June 27 private event for the hundreds of people who’ve put up $100,000 to secure positions on theaircraft. The public gets a peek the next day as thecompany uses the unveiling to kick off its annual “migration” ofCirrus aircraft back to the plant in Duluth, Minn. In an e-mail sentto members of the Cirrus Owners and Pilots Association (COPA) latelast week, COPA President Mike Radomsky said the unveiling will bethe highlight of the weekend of seminars, discussion groups andparties that Cirrus hosts each June. And in keeping with the coynature of the PR campaign that’s building hype for the aircraft,anyone who wants to see the mock-up firsthand will have to make thetrek to Duluth.

The long-awaited (and excruciatingly foreshadowed) unveiling of amockup of Cirrus' "the-jet" will occur at a June 27 private event for the hundreds of people who've put up $100,000 to secure positions on theaircraft. The public gets a peek the next day as thecompany uses the unveiling to kick off its annual "migration" ofCirrus aircraft back to the plant in Duluth, Minn. In an e-mail sentto members of the Cirrus Owners and Pilots Association (COPA) latelast week, COPA President Mike Radomsky said the unveiling will bethe highlight of the weekend of seminars, discussion groups andparties that Cirrus hosts each June. And in keeping with the coynature of the PR campaign that's building hype for the aircraft,anyone who wants to see the mock-up firsthand will have to make thetrek to Duluth. Radomsky says in the e-mail that the mock-upwill not be displayed at EAA AirVenture a few weeks later. Cirrusdidn't really announce that it was working on a jet -- it waiteduntil something slipped out in the media and then merely confirmedthe project. The first concrete evidence of that was the collection,at last year's migration, of names of those who would be interestedin the aircraft. They all got a "grey box" with a drink coaster andsome very basic details about the plane and, based solely on that,were asked to send a $1,000 refundable deposit. Hundreds sent intheir checks and they'll be rewarded with the first look at theplane. In the meantime, Cirrus is sending them, piece by piece, ajigsaw puzzle of an image of the jet. Just how much of the picturethey'll have before June 27 isn't clear.