It’s Not A Bird, Not A Plane – It’s Flying Logos

Just in case you don’t already have enough stuff flying around in the sky to watch out for, a new company in Alabama says it’s ready to start marketing a new product called Flogos — for flying logos. The floatable icons come in various sizes up to three feet across, and can be stamped out in any shape, such as a peace symbol or a corporate logo. They are made from an airy mixture of foam, soap and helium, and the company says they will pop like a soap bubble in a collision. However, they can be released into the sky dozens at a time, they can travel up to 20 or 30 miles, and they can reach as high as 20,000 feet. “It sounds like it’s harmless,” said Jerry Emison, a professor of public administration at Mississippi State University told The Associated Press. “But there’s a lot of stuff that we thought was harmless that turned out not to be.” Coming soon, the company says: a Flogo generator that can create shapes up to six feet across.

Just in case you don't already have enough stuff flying around in the sky to watch out for, a new company in Alabama says it's ready to start marketing a new product called Flogos -- for flying logos. The floatable icons come in various sizes up to three feet across, and can be stamped out in any shape, such as a peace symbol or a corporate logo. They are made from an airy mixture of foam, soap and helium, and the company says they will pop like a soap bubble in a collision. However, they can be released into the sky dozens at a time, they can travel up to 20 or 30 miles, and they can reach as high as 20,000 feet. "It sounds like it's harmless," said Jerry Emison, a professor of public administration at Mississippi State University told The Associated Press. "But there's a lot of stuff that we thought was harmless that turned out not to be." Coming soon, the company says: a Flogo generator that can create shapes up to six feet across.

Kathleen Bergen, a spokeswoman for the FAA in Atlanta, told the AP that a local FAA office would need to be contacted before a Flogo launch so pilots could be notified about it.