Midair Drama Unfolds in Tower Tape Audio

A reader sent us the tower tape clip (MP3) of the exchange between a smooth, professional air traffic controller at Republic Airport on Long Island and the pilot of a Piper Saratoga who’d been in a midair collision with a Cessna 152 last Sunday. As we reported on Monday, both pilots were able to land their aircraft without incident but the tower tape reveals just what it takes to recover two damaged aircraft on the same runway during a busy period at a large GA airport. The first call from the Saratoga pilot comes about 2:15 on the audio file, but listen to the whole thing to get a feel for what the controller was up against in getting the damaged aircraft on the ground without anyone else (including a student launching for his first solo) getting in the way or into trouble.

A reader sent us the tower tape clip (MP3) of the exchange between a smooth, professional air traffic controller at Republic Airport on Long Island and the pilot of a Piper Saratoga who'd been in a midair collision with a Cessna 152 last Sunday. As we reported on Monday, both pilots were able to land their aircraft without incident but the tower tape reveals just what it takes to recover two damaged aircraft on the same runway during a busy period at a large GA airport. The first call from the Saratoga pilot comes about 2:15 on the audio file, but listen to the whole thing to get a feel for what the controller was up against in getting the damaged aircraft on the ground without anyone else (including a student launching for his first solo) getting in the way or into trouble.

AVweb reader Peter Ricciardiello, a frequent contributor to LiveATC.net has identified the site as the source of the original recordings that were used to put together this audio clip. Be sure to check them out in your travels around the Web. (Thanks, Peter!)