NATCA’s Archie League Awards Honor ATC Saves
The annual Archie League Awards given out by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association are a stark reminder that every time we launch into the big sky, we face the unexpected — and sometimes the voice at the other end of the radio can be a lifeline. The awards, named after the first air traffic controller, recognize the efforts of controllers who respond to potentially dangerous situations. This year’s award winners helped guide an out-of-fuel pilot to a safe off-airport landing in Alaska, aided a pilot during a two-hour ordeal when his icy airplane wouldn’t get stabilized on approach, and directed a confused pilot at night who followed a controller’s vectors to a safe landing. Excerpts from these stories and more can be heard in this AVweb podcast.

The annual Archie League Awards given out by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association are a stark reminder that every time we launch into the big sky, we face the unexpected -- and sometimes the voice at the other end of the radio can be a lifeline. The awards, named after the first air traffic controller, recognize the efforts of controllers who respond to potentially dangerous situations. This year's award winners helped guide an out-of-fuel pilot to a safe off-airport landing in Alaska, aided a pilot during a two-hour ordeal when his icy airplane wouldn't get stabilized on approach, and directed a confused pilot at night who followed a controller's vectors to a safe landing. Excerpts from these stories and more can be heard in this AVweb podcast.
Video of the award ceremony also will be posted at the NATCA Web site.