Sporty’s, Thielert Announce Scholarships
Both Sporty’s Pilot Shops and Thielert Aircraft Engines have announced sizeable contributions to scholarships. Sporty’s is supporting an educational effort near and dear to our hearts with a $5,000 contribution to the Ewald Scholarship Fund for budding aviation journalists. “Dave Ewald was admired by all who knew him, and it’s fitting that his legacy lives on through these scholarships. Sporty’s is pleased to participate in a program to train new, young journalists in Dave’s memory,” said Sporty’s Founder/Chairman Hal Shevers. “Just as the general aviation community needs new pilots, mechanics and technicians, we need impassioned, qualified journalists to chronicle the events, products and services we offer.” Thielert is helping to educate the next generation of engineers who will specialize in engine development.

Both Sporty's Pilot Shops and Thielert Aircraft Engines have announced sizeable contributions to scholarships. Sporty's is supporting an educational effort near and dear to our hearts with a $5,000 contribution to the Ewald Scholarship Fund for budding aviation journalists. "Dave Ewald was admired by all who knew him, and it's fitting that his legacy lives on through these scholarships. Sporty's is pleased to participate in a program to train new, young journalists in Dave's memory," said Sporty's Founder/Chairman Hal Shevers. "Just as the general aviation community needs new pilots, mechanics and technicians, we need impassioned, qualified journalists to chronicle the events, products and services we offer." Thielert is helping to educate the next generation of engineers who will specialize in engine development.
The engine company is offering prizes of 2,000 euros and 1,000 euros to students of the Faculty of Process Engineering, Energy and Mechanical Systems (Laboratory for Piston Engines and Calibration) of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences who write the best theses. Thielert CEO Frank Thielert says investing in young minds is like money in the bank. "As a manufacturer of innovative aircraft engines, we know how important it is to plan for the future and break new ground," he said. "As a young company, we benefit above all in the area of research and development from the commitment and new ideas of motivated and qualified graduates."