Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

We realize that AEA is happening in Dallas, Texas right now, but did Texan readers, knowing that we’d be prowling the show, want to give us a Lone Star welcome by flooding our submissions box with “Picture of the Week” entries? It may be (and probably is) nothing more than sheer coincidence. Either way, we’re happy to have a Texas-sized batch of submissions to sift through this week, starting with this night photo from Denton Finley of Waco, Texas.

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


We realize that AEA is happening in Dallas, Texas right now, but did Texan readers, knowing that we'd be prowling the show, want to give us a Lone Star welcome by flooding our submissions box with "Picture of the Week" entries? It may be (and probably is) nothing more than sheer coincidence. Either way, we're happy to have a Texas-sized batch of submissions to sift through this week ... .

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

Night Solo

Denton Finley of Waco, Texas kicks things off under the stars. An instructor, Denton snapped this photo of a student pilot embarking on a night-time solo at Texas State Technical College.

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Denton Finley

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

Springtime in Texas

Ken Durkin of Downley, Buckinghamshire (U.K.) went to great lengths to get in on this week's Western theme - all the way to Huntsville, Texas, where he shot this taxiway light among the blue bonnets.

(For the record, we really dig this photo, Ken. We won't say you lost the top spot by a flip of a coin, but well - it was a close competition this week.)

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Ken Durkin

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

Show's Over, Folks!

Our third entry comes from Alex McDonald of Newtown, New South Wales - the, uh ... Texas of Australia? (O.K., so we got some photos that weren't from Texas this week.) Alex snapped this beauty departing the runway after a performance at the Australia International Air Show in Avalon.

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Alex McDonald

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

"See Ya After the Air Show, Alex!"

Speaking of afternoon air shows, Mark Silvestri of Upton, Massachusetts took this photo at Tyndall Air Force Base, where "my good friend's four-and-a-half-year-old son was one of the few who waited long enough to watch the Blue Angels fly. Here is the slot pilot, Blue Angel #4, waving back to his new buddy Alex."

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

B-52 Squawk Sheet

Quick, someone call our resident A&P! We can always count on Fullerton, California's Greg Soaper to drop a photo in our submission box from time to time that simply must be stared at for long, excruciating moments (regardless of how tight those news deadlines are). This week, Greg runs down the squawk list for us:

Found oil drip under aft port landing gear bay. Please check fitting KM93049827-AB-09832DMS on manifold GMS2938749-4MDS-39874F. Also, wire DMQ8439485-2BWS-20938 needs a few more cable ties. One more, NAV cup holder broken. Thanks.

And that, folks, is as good a place as any to sign off for this week. Don't forget to check AVweb's home page for more photos (Texan and otherwise)!

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission

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copyright Contributor #5
Used with permission


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.