EAA AirVenture at Oshkosh is coming ... and we need to step up the safety level again.
Don't try to imitate the "heavy iron" pilots on the radio. They have their own language issues.
The FAA-mandated Flight Review has some pretty basic requirements, but you can help your instructor make it more useful and meaningful for the flying you do.
Not every challenging airplane is actually a dog. AVweb's Rick Durden thinks some of the blame belongs to clueless pilots.
Stick around long enough and you'll feel the need to dispense wisdom about flight and life. AVweb's CEO of the Cockpit is a mere mortal in this regard.
Knowing your airplane's center of gravity is about much more than just keeping within the limits.
Your favorite airplane may be my nemesis, and vice versa. But some planes have very few supporters, usually for good reasons.
AVweb's CEO of the cockpit is flying SIC in a Skyhawk, but he's lost his skill at being a tactful and deferential co-pilot.
With skyrocketing fuel costs, pilots are flying less or sometimes not at all. AVweb's Thomas P. Turner has good fuel-sipping suggestions that won't compromise safety.
AVweb's Rick Durden had a close call when he didn't abort a bad takeoff, and he has suggestions for how to be a little more embarrassed but a little less dead.
A bitter topic of conversation.

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The F-104 Starfighter was the pointy end of the stick on the front lines of the Cold War, and hundreds of them flew in...