Media Alerts Get New Scrutiny
Press release writers have been put on notice: certain words simply won’t be allowed in news releases without prior approval.

After at least three journalists suffered injuries from rolling their eyes into unrecoverable gimbal lock, Sun n Fun has agreed to review press releases and announcements for specific words and phrases that are known to cause acute adverse reactions in people hearing them. Specifically, the phrase game changer and the word exciting will not be permitted unless spoken in one of three approved languages, including Urdu, Kirundi and Marwari.
Following last years airshow season, news organizations reported a sharp increase in health care premiums as journalists covering press conferences suffered from an epidemic of self-inflicted pen stabbings, higher-than-usual bouts of binge drinking and acute catatonia. The Society of Professional Aviation Journalists-which recently merged with the Advertising Council of America-suggested replacement words and phrases that would be less likely to require emergency room visits. These include sort of neat, kind of cool and best we could come up with for now. See the associations website for a more complete list. In other press news, Sun n Fun said it would move next years press center to Miami, but would offer hourly bus services for journalists on deadline.