On The Fly…
Box-cutters were found on US Airways planes in Boston, Philly…Bomb squad almost blew Ghostbuster’s Halloween surprise…British Airways Concordes go to New York and Seattle museums…Peanut packs stuffed with cocaine on Colombian airliner…John Travolta will emcee Kitty Hawk celebration…ADs issued for Aerostar and Hartzell, NPRM for two Pacific Aerospace models.
More box-cutters were found on U.S. airliners last week. Authorities are investigating whether the tools were smuggled onto US Airways planes in Boston and Philadelphia or whether some strikingly forgetful maintenance staff left them on board...
There's no trick to being hauled off an airliner for questioning. Just ask the guy who packed his suitcase full of pipes, batteries, wires and electronics before heading off from Palm Beach for a Halloween celebration in Chicago. He apparently intended to make "proton packs" for his Ghostbuster costume but nearly lost the whole works to a bomb-squad detonation...
Two of British Airways' retired Concordes will be sent to U.S. museums. One will go to New York's Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum, where it will be strapped to a barge. The other will go to the Museum of Flight at Boeing Field, near Seattle...
Investigators found cocaine in peanut packages carried on an Avianca flight from Colombia to Miami. Drug-sniffing dogs zeroed in on the snack packs and the feds quickly realized they weren't just hungry. The packs contained more than $20,000 worth of the drug...
John Travolta will emcee the First Flight Centennial celebrations at Kitty Hawk Dec. 17. Travolta, known in aviation circles as much for his flying as his acting, will also do a fly-past in his private Boeing 707...
Airworthiness Directives have been issued for certain Aerostars regarding possible fuel pump leaks and for Hartzell composite propellers. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking was issued for Pacific Aerospace Corporationmodels Fu24-954 and FU24A-954 aircraft for possible cracks in the vertical fin base.