Adam Offers Report On Jet
Adam Aircraft says it’s making progress in development of its A700 AdamJet. A company news release says they’re getting down to the nitty-gritty of testing the various components of the airframe and they’ve also completed construction of a “wing-mounted belly pod” for extra fuel storage. The pressurization and environmental control test system has also been set up. The Williams FJ33-4A-15 engines that power the proof-of-concept model that’s been flying around the country for 18 months have been performing well and are now certified. The jet is based largely on the design of Adam’s push/pull piston twin, the A500. According to the company, certification of the jet is somewhat reliant on certification of the piston twin — which was predicted for last December.

Adam Aircraft says it's making progress in development of its A700 AdamJet. A company news release says they're getting down to the nitty-gritty of testing the various components of the airframe and they've also completed construction of a "wing-mounted belly pod" for extra fuel storage. The pressurization and environmental control test system has also been set up. The Williams FJ33-4A-15 engines that power the proof-of-concept model that's been flying around the country for 18 months have been performing well and are now certified. The jet is based largely on the design of Adam's push/pull piston twin, the A500. According to the company, certification of the jet is somewhat reliant on certification of the piston twin -- which was predicted for last December. The company still isn't saying just what the holdup is regarding the certification of the piston plane. It says there is an "intense focus on A500 development and certification" but doesn't make any predictions on when those coveted papers will be signed. Last October, the company predicted customer deliveries by the end of the year.