Dodging The President

If you’re flying in Texas, today, please heed this reminder that the president … or someone else important … is at his Crawford ranch overnight.

If you're flying in Texas, today, please heed this reminderthat the president ... or someone else important ... is at his Crawford ranchovernight. The usual flight restrictions have been replaced by a TFR with aradius of 30 nautical miles and a ceiling of 18,000 feet. It's in effect from 5p.m. local time today through noon Tuesday. All flights are banned within 10nautical miles of the ranch. In the outer 20 miles, pilots must be on an activeVFR or IFR flight plan with a discrete ATC-assigned transponder code and mustbe talking to ATC. And there'll be no moonlight sightseeing or training. Allflights within the restricted area must be on their way to or from an airport.The FAA has also slightly modified the airspace restrictions around thepresident's other home. The 65th edition of the Baltimore-Washington terminalarea chart (TAC) has been replaced with the Blue Dot edition, which containsthe following advisory: TemporaryFlight Restrictions (TFR) around Thurmont, MD (P-40) that consists of 5NMradius at or below 12,500 ft MSL located on the FDK 351 radial at 14.8 miles(N 39 degrees 38 minutes 53 seconds, W 77 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds).