Law Enforcement Pilot Beats FAA Rap

A law enforcement pilot for the State of Wisconsin has been cleared of all charges that he violated airport procedures at Chetek Airport in Wisconsin. According to the Chetek Alert newspaper, Larry Schasinger was originally found guilty by an FAA administrative judge of flying a right-hand pattern, in his personal aircraft, a Christavia, at Chetek instead of the standard left-hand pattern. He appealed to the National Transportation Safety Board and the charge was dismissed. Schlasinger offered as evidence documents showing he was flying in his law enforcement role for the state on Aug. 6, 2003, the day he’s alleged to have fudged the approach to Chetek. He also entered his plane’s maintenance log, which showed it was grounded for propeller work at the time of the alleged incident. As you might expect, there’s more to this story.

A law enforcement pilot for the State of Wisconsin has been cleared of all charges that he violated airport procedures at Chetek Airport in Wisconsin. According to the Chetek Alert newspaper, Larry Schasinger was originally found guilty by an FAA administrative judge of flying a right-hand pattern, in his personal aircraft, a Christavia, at Chetek instead of the standard left-hand pattern. He appealed to the National Transportation Safety Board and the charge was dismissed. Schlasinger offered as evidence documents showing he was flying in his law enforcement role for the state on Aug. 6, 2003, the day he's alleged to have fudged the approach to Chetek. He also entered his plane's maintenance log, which showed it was grounded for propeller work at the time of the alleged incident. As you might expect, there's more to this story.

Schlasinger alleges the charge was the result of a personal feud between himself and the person who made the charge, possibly relating to Schlasinger's aerobatic activities. A previous charge made by the same person that alleged Schlasinger illegally performed aerobatics at Chetek on July 4, 2003, was dismissed by the FAA and the same person apologized and paid Schlasinger an undisclosed amount of cash to settle a 2002 defamation case out of court, according to the newspaper.