U.S. House Agrees On Extension For FAA Reauthorization Bill


Acting ahead of this this Friday’s (May10) midnight deadline, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a one-week extension yesterday (May 8) for a five-year reauthorization agreement. The short-term “patch” came as the Senate works to reach agreement on the bill. FAA reauthorization is considered the last “must pass” measure facing Congress before this fall.

The House measure to extend the deadline to May 17 prevailed with a vote of 385-24-1 and was sent to the Senate for consideration. According to a report by The Hill, senators have been negotiating for days and have not been able to reach a consensus due to a number of proposed “non-germane” amendments that have nothing to do with aviation, transportation or the substance of FAA reauthorization.

Senate Minority Whip John Thune, R-S.D., said there had been no progress on the non-germane amendments, saying the short-term extension would give lawmakers more time to work through their differences. He said, “It just gives us a little breathing room. I think the goal has been to try to drive through and get a resolution out of the Senate yet this week, but at least now, if necessary, it can be punted.”

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.


  1. At the very least, democracy as inefficient as it is works to deal with things other nations can only hope and dream for. give’em a little time.

  2. At least they are working on a longer term bill. But can Congress do anything before it is the last minute?

  3. I’m pretty sure the Senate has passed the reauthorization bill by a vote of 88-4. After that they voted in favor of a one week extension of the present authorization after the House did the same. Now the “new” reauthorization bill goes back to the House, where hopefully , they will pass it without any new attachments. If the Senate version passes in the House it will go to the President, who has already said he will sign it into law. Simple.