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________TRAINING The Cessna, The Sky … and the Cartoonist: Chapters Four and FiveJohn Ewing continues flight training with chapters on climbs, descents, and turns. But things are never easy when going “back to school” in the retired years of life, and our writer/cartoonist is flummoxed by more technical vocabulary and high-g-force turns. But he’s looking forward to the time he can move into the right seat of the plane where the “real” pilots sit. _____________ WHAT’S NEW What’s New — Products and ServicesThis month AVweb’s survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you aircraft airbags, amphibious GlaStars, large flat panel displays, lightweight headsets and much more.

The Cessna, The Sky ... and the Cartoonist: Chapters Four and Five
John Ewing continues flight training with chapters on climbs, descents, and turns. But things are never easy when going "back to school" in the retired years of life, and our writer/cartoonist is flummoxed by more technical vocabulary and high-g-force turns. But he's looking forward to the time he can move into the right seat of the plane where the "real" pilots sit.

What's New -- Products and Services
This month AVweb's survey of the latest products and services for pilots, mechanics and aircraft owners brings you aircraft airbags, amphibious GlaStars, large flat panel displays, lightweight headsets and much more.